2021 Lay Leadership


Here are your Cornerstone representatives for 2021. You are welcome to contact them with any questions regarding our church. Visit the Leadership page for their contact information:

Ministry Council Chair Charles Horton
The Ministry Council is made up of committee chairs and delegates. The council works with the pastor, lay leader, and others to fulfill the mission of the church.

SPRC Chair Eric Hutchcroft
The Staff/Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) works to build a strong relationship between the pastor and staff of the church, and the parish (congregation). The committee also considers salary and resourcing, and makes recommendations to finance and nominations as needed.

Finance Chair Steve Schwartzwalder
The Finance Committee oversees the stewardship of the church’s financial resources. It compiles an annual budget and works with other groups to generate resources for the mission and ministries of the church.

Financial Secretary Dick Kostka
The Financial Secretary records and reports congregant’s giving, and provides to individuals written records of annual giving.

Financial Treasurer Carol Irish
The Financial Treasurer compiles and oversees the monthly income and outflow of church finances, disbursing all funds received into the church treasury in a responsible and organized manner, so that the ministry of the congregation can be effective.

Trustee Chair Bill Werst
The Board of Trustees gives supervision, oversight, and care of all property and equipment owned and acquired by the church.

Lay Leader Tish Calhamer
The Lay Leader represents the laypeople (congregation) when working with the pastor for the mission and vision of the congregation.

Lay Delegates – Paula Schwarzwalder and Tish Calhamer
Lay delegates keep the congregation informed about The United Methodist Church in the conference and around the world. They represent the congregation at Annual Conference.

Membership Secretary Dave Gathman
The Membership Secretary maintains membership records and manages historical documents related to membership, past and present.

Activities Planning Committee (APC) Bill Werst
The Activities Planning Committee creates and coordinates events for community engagement.

Director of Worship Arts Jeff Moore

Lead Pastor Melissa Hood


2021 Laity Convocation


Cornerstone Youth