Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people.
(Ephesians 6:7)
Spiritual Gifts
Have you ever wondered about your spiritual gifts and how best to use them?
Spiritual gifts are not talents or skills. They are the grace of God at work within us, empowering us to match our passions with the world’s need, building and strengthening community.
Opportunities to Serve
There are so many ways to get immersed in the Cornerstone community! We invite you to get involved, serve, and build relationships. For more information about any of the opportunities listed here, please contact the church office at 847-464-HOPE (4673) or e-mail the team lead (as listed below).
Hospitality Team
Serve those attending worship services. For more information, e-mail hospitality@umc-cornerstone.org.
Greeter: Greet worshipers as they arrive on Sunday mornings. Provide resources and directions to new visitors.
Usher: Distribute worship materials and help people find seats. Collect offering and assist with communion.
Refreshments: Provide coffee and refreshments during an opportunity for fellowship before and after services.
Prayer Team
Join in prayer over our community in Christ. Receive weekly e-mails with requests for prayer. Lift up them up to the Lord. For more information, e-mail prayer@umc-cornerstone.org.
Ministry Team
Serve the heart of our church community, both through leadership and supporting roles. For more information, e-mail ministry@umc-cornerstone.org.
Small Groups: Lead a Bible study or interest-based fellowship group for adults.
Youth: Assist with programs for youth in middle and high school, like Sunday school, confirmation, youth group, lock-ins, etc.
Children: Assist with programs for children birth through 5th grade, like Sunday school, Vacation Bible School, Easter Eggstravaganza, etc.
Nursery: Care for our youngest children during worship services.
Mission Team: Organize opportunities for all ages to come together in mission.
Activities Planning Committee (APC): Create and coordinate events for community engagement.
Staff/Parish Relations Committee (SPRC): Build a strong relationship between the pastor and staff of the church, and the parish (congregation).
Lay Delegates: Share UMC updates with the congregation and represent the congregation at Annual Conference.
Finance Committee: Compile an annual budget and generate resources for the mission and ministries of the church.
Maintenance Team
Care for our church building as God’s house, the parsonage, and church land. For more information, e-mail maintenance@umc-cornerstone.org.
Trustees: Supervise and care for property and equipment owned and acquired by the church.
Janitorial: Help keep the inside of our church clean.
Landscaping: Maintain landscaped areas as needed. Mow the church property as needed.
Production Team
Enhance the worship experience during services. For more information, e-mail production@umc-cornerstone.org.
Audio Production: Control sound during services. Record and live stream services for those unable to attend services in person.
Visual Production: Create and display media used during services. Control lighting during services.
Visual Display: Design and coordinate all visual elements, decorations, and painting throughout the building. Assist with wedding décor, as needed.
Set-up/Tear-down: Set-up and tear-down chairs, tables, and other equipment as-needed for worship services and special events.
Worship Team
Facilitate the worship experience through music. For more information, e-mail worship@umc-cornerstone.org.
Praise Team: Help lead worship through singing or playing an instrument. A short (painless) audition is required.
Cornerstone Choir: Sing during worship services. No audition required.
Hand Bell Choirs: Play during worship services a few times per year.
Hands & Feet Puppet Ministry: Perform skits and choreographed songs during worship services a few times per year.
Creative Team
Spread the message of Christ and Cornerstone Church through creative marketing. For more information, e-mail creative@umc-cornerstone.org.
Photography: Capture the life of Cornerstone for both external and internal use.
Social Media: Contribute to Cornerstone’s online presence through event posts, worship posts, and responding to others’ posts.
Video Production: Work with the worship director to create short videos.
Website Administration: Maintain the Cornerstone web site. Keep events and news up-to-date, upload new resources, and update worship content.
Marketing and Design: Develop online and print materials for worship services, private events, and community events.