All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord; they will bring glory to your name. For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God.
(Psalm 86:9-10)
(Cornerstone Choir)
Worship with us every weekend! At Cornerstone, we embrace worship as a lifestyle. We believe worship is more than music; it is about drawing near to our Creator and finding the relevancy of the Gospel in our everyday lives.
Communion is served once a month. All are invited to receive Communion; you do not need to be United Methodist or a member of this congregation, and there is no age requirement. It is the Lord's Supper, not ours, and it is Christ who invites you.
Typically, small pieces of bread are broken from a common loaf, dipped in a cup, and given to those partaking in Communion.
We are sensitive to the needs of our congregation; we use grape juice instead of wine, and have gluten-free elements available.
Worship Ministries
Our ministry groups participate in worship not as performers, but as worshipers who are actively offering talents and gifts to God. Below are some of the worship ministry opportunities available at Cornerstone. Please contact our Worship Director at worship@umc-cornerstone.org with any questions.
Rejoice Praise Team
The Praise Team participates in worship each Sunday and rehearses each Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. This team is for anyone who sings and/or plays an instrument. A short (painless) audition is required.
Hand Bell Choirs
These groups rehearse weekly on Thursday evenings. Children age 5 years-6th grade are invited to participate in the Pebbles Hand Bell Choir. All ages are invited to participate in the Rock of Ages Hand Bell Choir.
Hands & Feet Puppet Ministry
Hands & Feet is a performance puppetry group for students in 6th-12th grade.
Audio Production
The Audio Production Team helps ensure the message being communicated is heard (literally). Team members also minister to those who can't be with us in person through recording and live streaming. Experience isn't necessary and training is provided.
Visual Presentation
The Visual Presentation Team helps us to see the message being communicated. Each week, team members plan and display song lyrics, background slides, short movies, and any other media used during a service. Experience isn't necessary and training is provided.
Visual Display
The Visual Display Team designs and coordinates all visual elements, decorations, and painting throughout the building. They also assist with wedding décor, as needed.