Pastor Al Bake Sale

Palm Sunday, April 10, 2022

Before worship: 9:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m.

and after worship until goodies run out!

Whip up your delicious cookies, scrumptious cakes, mouth-watering brownies, or other specialty and bring them to church by 9:15 a.m., April 10th. Baked goods may be dropped off in the church kitchen earlier in the week. Please mark your items with name of item and price.

All proceeds go to help the people of Ukraine through UMCOR (United Methodist Committee On Relief.)

In addition, United Methodists and others wishing to provide humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainian people in the wake of the Russian invasion of their country may contribute to Advance #982450, UMCOR International Disaster Response and Recovery. This fund will provide direct assistance to those in Ukraine as well as assistance to Ukrainians fleeing to neighboring countries.

Gifts to support the people of Ukraine can be made in the following ways:

  • Online at

  • By toll-free telephone: 888-252-6174

  • By check made out to Global Ministries/UMCOR with “Advance #982450-Ukraine” written on the memo line, either mailed and addressed to Global Ministries/UMCOR, GPO, P.O. Box 9068, New York, NY, 10087-9068 or given at or through any United Methodist church.

One hundred percent of all advance contributions go to the designated cause.

The United Methodist community in Ukraine, though quite small, is actively engaged in assisting neighbors in need. Global Ministries is in touch with the church’s leadership as well as with church leaders in countries welcoming those who are fleeing from violence in Ukraine.

For more information on the Pastor Al Bake Sale or UMCOR, contact Tish Calhamer (847-525-3580 or or Gale Vician (847-609-0558 or


April Celebrations


-POSTPONED-Come Create with Us!