Pastor Al Bake Sale

Palm Sunday Weekend

Saturday, April 1, 2023 and Sunday, April 2, 2023

Before worship:

4:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Saturday

9:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Sunday

and after each worship until goodies run out!

Whip up your delicious cookies, scrumptious cakes, mouth-watering brownies, or other specialty dessert and bring them to church ahead of each service by 4:15 pm Saturday, April 1st or 9:15 am Sunday, April 2nd. Baked goods may also be dropped off in the church kitchen earlier in the week. Please mark your items with name of item, price, and ingredients.

All proceeds go to the Pastor Al Fund.

The Pastor Al Fund is used at the discretion of the Cornerstone pastor to meet a need for an individual or family in a financial crisis. Some uses have been for rent, medical/dental needs, utility bills, car repairs, gasoline and groceries. Recipients have said this one-time donation came at a time that literally saved their lives. This fund helps Cornerstone be the hands and feet of Christ to those in a crisis situation.

For more information on the Pastor Al Bake Sale, contact Tish Calhamer (847-525-3580 or or Gale Vician (847-609-0558 or


April Soup Kettle Opportunity


March 2023 Pastor’s Letter