Cornerstone Bee Hives

We are “bee-sy” helping the environment!

As honey bee populations decline, in part due to habitat loss, Cornerstone is launching a new ministry!

We have designated a space near the back of our property (away from the building and playground) for two hives, which will host approximately 60,000 bees. Our Stepping Stones preschoolers decorated the hives last week, so the bees will have a cheerful home.

Pastor Melissa blessed the hives just prior to the arrival of the bees on Wednesday, May 17th, and the Cornerstone Church bee hives are now occupied! We're so excited to be sharing the church grounds with these new residents!!

A word from the bee keeper following their installation: "They looked good. Each hive has a queen (essential). They immediately went for the food, which is a very good sign. They were aggressive, which means they are protecting their colony -- which is very good."

For more information about our hives and honey bee ministry, please contact Jayson Hemphill at


June Bible Readings


Cornerstone 25th Anniversary All Church Picnic