Hygiene Kits for Migrants

November Mission Of The Month

This month we will be putting together hygiene kits for migrants. NIC Refugee Coordinator Rev. Jonathan Crail is organizing with churches across the conference in each district to help bring the items to the city.

Items Needed:

•      Shampoo & Soap in Travel Sizes

•      Toothbrushes & Toothpaste

•      Deodorant

•      Disposable Razors & Shaving Cream

•      Feminine Hygiene Products

•      Socks

•      Basic First Aid Supplies

•      Ibuprofen/Acetaminophen

Please bring items to the black bin in the Collection Center. Thank you!

Thank you from the Cornerstone Missions Team

Any questions? Please contact Tish Calhamer at 847-525-3580 /calhamer@yahoo.com or Gale Vician 847-609-0558 /vicianova@comcast.net.


November Soup Kettle Opportunity


Wednesday in the Word