March Soup Kettle Opportunity

Friday, March 4, 2022
4-7 p.m.

Update: Missions Team needs donations of 8 packages of hamburger buns, plus cookies or brownies. Can you help with these or the items below?

Cornerstone hosts the Soup Kettle at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church on the first Friday of every month. (Holy Trinity Lutheran Church is located at 357 Division Street, Elgin, IL 60120.)

This month we will be serving Sloppy Joes with coleslaw and macaroni salad, plus cookies or brownies for dessert. Assistance is needed to provide any of these items or ingredients, funds to help defray costs, and hosting.

Host responsibilities include setting up, cooking, greeting guests, serving food, and cleaning up. Volunteers can work either a full-shift (4 p.m.-7 p.m.) or partial-shift (just to help cook, for example), and can choose to stay in the kitchen behind the scenes if COVID makes interacting with folks uncomfortable. Everyone is required to wear a mask while in the building.

Contact Tish Calhamer (847-525-3580 or or Gale Vician (847-609-0558 or if you can help, or contact the church office at

The Elgin Soup Kettle offers breakfast six days a week and dinner every night at different local churches. These free home-cooked meals are available to anyone in need.

For more information, visit Elgin Co-op Ministries.


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