Maui Relief Fund

Many have asked about the Maui Relief Fund that UMCOR has set up. UMCOR is the United Methodist Committee on Relief. 100% of your gift goes directly to that particular need; administrative/overhead costs are covered by other means. Several historic churches in Lahaina and Maui have been destroyed, but our brothers and sisters are praying and taking care of each other. They need our help!

Maui relief efforts will be funded by UMCOR's United States  Disaster Response & Recovery Advance. To help, please follow this link:

Thank you for prayerfully considering a gift to aid those in need, and please share this link with others.

Thank you from the Cornerstone Missions Team

Any questions? Please contact Tish Calhamer at 847-525-3580 / or Gale Vician 847-609-0558 /


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