Sunday Worship at 10 a.m.


Ready to get involved on a deeper level?

Please contact our leadership (in-person, or through the form below) about your interests and ideas.

Here’s what you need to know:

Everyone is welcome! You’ll experience both contemporary and traditional music, and a hope-filled message. We encourage families to worship together.

We’re excited to meet you, but we won’t call you out in front of the congregation. Be prepared for some friendly faces to introduce themselves, though!


When should I arrive?
We recommend arriving a little early so you can park, find a seat, and meet someone new.

What should I wear?

Wear whatever makes you comfortable! You will not be out of place in jeans and a t-shirt, a dress, or a suit and tie.

Where can I learn more about what you believe?
Please read What We Believe on the About page on our website.

If I come to the Common Ground service on Saturday, will I hear the same message?
We believe that God loves diversity and creativity. The topic is the same for both services; however, the message will be shared in a different way. Likewise, each service will be formatted a bit differently. Regardless of the service you attend, there will always be music, prayer, and God’s word.

Is there a time for connection (and coffee) before or after worship?
Yes. Coffee, tea, and treats will be available in the atrium before and after worship. We encourage you to grab a cup of coffee and a conversation! (Please note that all beverages must have lids on them in the sanctuary.)

What does prayer look like?
Our prayer can be silent or spoken, individual or corporate. Some prayers will be spoken for us.

Who can take communion? What does communion look like?
Please read Communion on the Worship page on our website.

Do I have to give in the offering?
No. If you are a visitor to Cornerstone, we don't want you to feel any obligation to participate in the offering. If you feel moved to give a gift, you can give online or in-person.

Do you have a nursery?
The nursery is temporarily closed. When it is open, the nursery is available for infants through children 3 years old.

The PrayGround is available to children with their grownups. This space is intended to help children stay engaged in worship even when they have the wiggles. Activities are provided. (The PrayGround is located under the basketball hoop.)

Is there Sunday school for children and youth?
We are not currently meeting on Sunday mornings, but digital resources are available here. Additional children's programming can be found here. Additional youth programming can be found here.

We encourage families to worship together, and offer activity bags to help children participate during the service. (Bags are located just outside the sanctuary entrance, across from the coat rack.)

The PrayGround is available to children with their grownups. This space is intended to help children stay engaged in worship even when they have the wiggles. Activities are provided. (The PrayGround is located under the basketball hoop.)

Is there Sunday school for adults?
We are not currently meeting on Sunday mornings, but we have a variety of adult programming available throughout the week. Please go to Small Groups for more information.

What if I have additional questions?
Please e-mail or call us at 847-464-HOPE (4673). We’d love to hear from you!