November 2021 Pastor’s Letter

From the Desk of Pastor Melissa

Dear Friends,

Let’s talk about love…

For many years, Cornerstone has been guided by these simple words, Loving God, Loving Others, Proclaiming Christ. It’s on our letterhead, carved into the side of the building and often declared in worship.

This month we are going to explore what it means to be loved and to love God and each other in the name of Jesus.

Our congregation has proven adaptable during the past 18 months, we have begun programs and had to step away from others. We have been inside and outside for worship, study and prayer. We have said goodbye to loved ones and welcomed new friends. And, as tired as we may feel, more change can be expected-change is a part of life.

In the coming year, we will continue to worship and pray, in person and online. We will continue reaching out to the wider community through programs for children, youth and adults. A new outreach to young people in our corner of the world is Love to Know: Life talks. In a rapidly changing world, young people have a great many things they would like to know. We will have dinner, worship and conversations designed for young people in the 6th-8th grade.

Our first event is December 1st, Nick Giannasi, MS LCPC counselor at Unbroken Family Counseling and an experienced youth pastor, will help us to think about knowing God. Jay Hemphill will lead our music. If you’re interested in helping-let me know.

November 21 is Consecration Sunday. This is an opportunity to recommit yourself and your resources to God’s work through Cornerstone UMC. A letter will be forthcoming.

We’ll talk again soon,

Pastor Melissa


Life Talks: Love to Know Postponed


November Bible Readings