December 2023 Pastor’s Letter
Dear Friends, Let’s talk about Christmas. Christmas is the beginning of a journey that can encourage, restore, and change lives.
September 2023 Pastor’s Letter
You and I are a part of God’s ongoing story of creation. We, who are rooted in Christ, are empowered by God’s Spirit to branch out into the world touching people with God’s love and grace. This has implications on how we live in relationship with God, with each other, and with all the Earth.
August 2023 Pastor’s Letter
A miracle is not only about the extraordinary. God’s miraculous love is often found in the mundane and normal of our everyday lives. Living in the spirit of the miraculous, people see God in nature, in relationships, in kind acts, and in the power of love.
July 2023 Pastor’s Letter
This week I was so invigorated about Cornerstone’s July calendar that I went to the conference room and mapped out all the exciting events we have planned. Opportunities that extend to the rest of the year!
June 2023 Pastor’s Letter
As we enter the summer season our calendars are full with a harvest of relationships: weddings, graduations, family parties, vacations, sports, and recitals are bringing people together. At Cornerstone, in addition to worship and study, we are preparing for a harvest of summer fun!
May 2023 Pastor’s Letter
Our lives as Christians are filled with questions: How are we invited to live as members of a faithful community? What does it mean to care for others? How can we embrace and share the beauty of the world we live in? The worship series this month, Come and Be, addresses these questions through scripture and the society of honey bees.
April 2023 Pastor’s Letter
Our celebration of Holy Week and Easter is not just a recollection or remembrance of the central events of Christianity— it is a life-giving sacred sign of hope that is realized in our lives each and every year.
March 2023 Pastor’s Letter
The season of Lent is filled with stories of people who are seeking a deeper faith, forgiveness, healing, a different life—in other words, a new beginning.
February 2023 Pastor’s Letter
J Hemphill steps in this month to talk about worship arts at Cornerstone.
January 2023 Pastor’s Letter
In scripture, God reminds us again and again that our Creator makes all things new. How do you long to be made new?
December 2022 Pastor’s Letter
When I was a kid I loved to watch the Charlie Brown Christmas special. Charlie, overwhelmed, depressed, and discouraged by the commercialization of the season and the cruelty of friends cries out, “Does anyone know what Christmas is all about?”
November 2022 Pastor’s Letter
Our November worship series is called Re:newed. This series is designed to help us to Re:gain Our Relationships, learn how to Re:align Ourselves, and Re:frame Our Happiness. In other words, what does it mean for us as Christians to be Re:newed?