July 2023 Pastor’s Letter

From the Desk of Pastor Melissa

Dear Friends,

This week I was so invigorated about Cornerstone’s July calendar that I went to the conference room and mapped out all the exciting events we have planned. Opportunities that extend to the rest of the year!

Staring at the board, I couldn’t help but think about the power of community, what coming together means as a church—to members and friends, to guests and neighbors.

Cornerstone is designed and envisioned to be a regional church; a place for people to experience the love of Christ through community.

In the Old Testament, people experienced community via family and politics. Multiple generations lived together, working side by side with extended families to provide support, defense, honor, and respect. The family was the way you discovered and lived out your identity. Political ties created clans that went out in wartime to support and defend the king. Living like this was expected, not voluntary. In other words, the good of the many outweighed the needs of the one.

Jesus and the disciples experienced and taught a new kind of community extending the definitions. They became a family of support, honor, and respect. The disciples wanted to fight for Christ, but Jesus never supported fighting.

Ekklesia, the Greek word for church, actually describes a city state. It is a political word chosen by the earliest congregations to declare that God is my King, my ruler, my Lord. I am a member of God’s household!

As a member of the household of God, the needs of the family, the congregation, the church were of the utmost importance. Supporting one another emotionally and financially, respecting each other, honoring one another as one household of God and participating in the life of Christ. This is church, this is community, this is fellowship.

My friends being in fellowship with one another is what being a church is all about. I hope I will see you, your family, and your friends in July at VBS, the Kane County Cougars game, and Our Playdate. I look forward to seeing you in worship (especially for National Ice Cream Day on Sunday July 16th!).

We’ll talk again soon,

Pastor Melissa


July Mission


July Bible Readings