December 2023 Pastor’s Letter

From the Desk of Pastor Melissa

Dear Friends,

We are fast approaching our celebration of the birth of Jesus. Many Christians lament the secularization of the Christmas season, and in their mourning and frustration, miss the tremendous opportunity we have to share the good news of Christ’s birth. Instead of simply declaring that Jesus is the reason for the season, let’s do what Jesus asked us to do-invite people to meet Jesus.

Christmas provides a unique opportunity to reach friends and family who no longer-or never-attend church. At this time of year, all people who are churched, unchurched and marginally churched are aware of Christmas. Before the Thanksgiving dinner is cold, the Christmas season is everywhere my friends.

People are decorating. People are singing carols. Almost everyone we know is preparing to celebrate Christmas! As Cary Nieuwhof writes, “At Christmas, the western world comes as close to stopping as it ever does. I’m not sure there’s a better time to connect with family and friends who rarely, if ever, go to church.”

The biggest mistake many churches make is to have a quiet Christmas for members only. The staff here at Cornerstone Church has prepared invitations to be mailed to our neighbors so you can invite folk to worship.

This is a tremendous opportunity for you to reach out to your friends and family.

You can:

Invite folk to worship with you on Sunday morning at 10 am!

In December, we will prepare for Christmas by acknowledging that even when we are worn out by the trials of life-we can feel joy.

Ask people to join you in worship at 7 pm on Christmas Eve!

We will have a wonderful celebration of Christ’s birth.

Thank friends and family for joining you-and ask them to come again!

Christmas is the beginning of a journey that can encourage, restore and change lives. I am looking forward to seeing you, your friends, and your family!

We’ll talk again soon,

Pastor Melissa


January Creative Café


Mitten Tree