June 2024 Pastor’s Letter

Dear Friends,

As the season of summer opens here in Kane County, we have much to celebrate and joyfully anticipate as a congregation. 

June, July, and August will bring many opportunities to be in worship, study, prayer and mission.

Our worship series will focus on the help we find in God’s word and in each other. The blessing
of help, understanding and support are found in worship.

The Tuesday 10 am study group will continue our discussion of the liberating nature of the Ten Commandments and then move on to a deeper understanding of The Lord’s Prayer. Wednesday in the Word at 6:30 pm will continue to read and discuss the bible as they read through the books.

Soup Kettle serves a meal to the homeless and marginally housed on the first Friday of each month. June meal will be a brat cook out, there is always room for more cooks, servers, conversationalists and donations of food.

The Northern Illinois Conference will take place June 16-18. Delegates will be discussing and ratifying changes made by the general conference, preparations to share a Bishop with the Wisconsin Annual Conference, and greeting our new District Superintendent Reverend Wendy Hardin Hermann. Your delegates are Tish Calhamer and Linda Lowery.

The children have planted a pollinator garden on the east edge of the parking lot and the bees are settling into their summer routine.

There is much going on this summer at Cornerstone. Let us keep these ministries in our earnest prayers. Pray for our Vacation Bible School in July. Please pray for our weekly studies, worship, and fellowship.

The Lord has blessed and entrusted us with something very special at Cornerstone. Therefore, let us be spiritually vigilant, remembering our union with Christ, keeping our eyes Him, remembering to walk with “all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” Ephesians 4:2-3.

We’ll talk again soon,

Pastor Melissa


July Soup Kettle Opportunity


June Bible Readings