September 2021 Pastor’s Letter

From the Desk of Pastor Melissa

Dear Friends,

The summer months are coming to a close, and we are being called back into community at work, at school, and at church.

In the midst of a pandemic, what does it mean to be community?

Perhaps you are being called back into your workplace and are working with a mask on for the first time or once again. You may be settling into the routine of working from home or some hybrid of the two circumstances. Our schools are meeting in person, often with hybrid schedules and mitigation requirements to control the spread of disease in a population that has few medical protections from COVID 19. Having the kids back in school is both a joy and a cause for worry; for you, it may be both. Our students must have a mix of emotions coursing through each day.

Cornerstone has been meeting in person for many months with masks, save for a bit of time in the summer when we, like many of you, thought we were on the downside of this hill we have collectively been climbing. Cornerstone reinstituted the wearing of masks while in the building on August 1st because, given the data, we anticipated a deepening of illness in Kane County. Many in the congregation have shared with me that they are staying home and worshipping online until things the infection rate goes down.

So, what does it mean to be a community of faith?

People of faith worship, pray, they stay in relationship with the people of their church, they serve, they witness to the love of God for everyone, and they give of their resources.

Cornerstone is worshiping, serving meals, gathering for prayer individually, and corporately through Zoom. We are studying God’s word and we are helping those in need with funds, prayers, and meals. Cornerstone is still sharing the beauty of a life lived for Jesus, and your church needs your help and your support. Worship with us using the means at your disposal. Give in person, through the mail, or online.

During the month of September, we will see through Jesus’ example and teaching that relationship is the core of our faith. Loving God and loving our neighbor is the greatest thing we can do with our lives, and when we love and care for each other—we do so for Jesus. Join us in worship, and discover once more how God is calling us to live and love as the community of faith that we are created to be.

I look forward to seeing you, your famil,y and your friends in worship!

Pastor Melissa


September Celebrations


Cornerstone Past and Present