April 2022 Pastor’s Letter

From the Desk of Pastor Melissa

Dear Friends,

Spring is in the air! 

At the grocer’s this week, I noticed that the outdoor garden center is beginning to stock their shelves with everything a person might need to make their garden grow and the dreamer in me was ignited. I started to think about my garden and wondered how soon I could begin planning and planting.

Once inside the store I saw the baskets and candy, the hats and bowties, the lamb roasts, and honeyed hams which will become the trappings of our Easter celebrations at home.

I will need to wait a bit for the garden planting, but soon my cart will hold Easter treats for children and grandchildren, and we have already been preparing for Holy Week and Easter.

All through the season of Lent, faithful volunteers have been providing lessons, crafts, music, and fun for our elementary age children at Wednesday evening Kid’s Club. If you are interested in participating, there is always room for your child. 

On Thursday evenings, Linda Johnston leads young people learning to play bells in the Pebbles
Bell Choir. I hope your little ones can join in!

On Sundays, the Pray Ground is back in the sanctuary for littles to enjoy during worship and people of all ages can fellowship with drinks and treats after the service. 

On Palm Sunday April 10th, the Pastor Al Bake Sale will return with all proceeds going to help the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis.

During Holy Week, daily online meditations will be available as we journey with Jesus. On Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, we will gather in person at 7 p.m. for meaningful and interactive worship.

Saturday April 16th at 10:30, children age 2-5th grade and their families are invited to enjoy a game, story time and an egg hunt at the Eggstravaganza! You can register here.

Our Easter celebration will be at 10 am-what a blessing!

The soil has been prepared, the seeds have been sown, I look forward to growing in our love for God and neighbor with you, your family and your friends! Ah, Spring!

Thanks be to God!

Pastor Melissa


Wednesday in the Word


April Missions to Aid Ukraine