February 2022 Pastor’s Letter

From the Desk of Pastor Melissa

Dear Friends,

What gives our lives meaning? 

If someone were to ask you that question, how would you respond? 

We are created in the image of God; filled with the breath of God.  Because of the love of God and the life of Jesus, we have a home and an abundant life to live, both here and for all eternity. Because of the Holy Spirit, we have a community of faith in which to grow closer to God and one another.

The Triune God blesses us with an identity, support, and a purpose that gives our lives meaning. Growing in our love for God and our neighbor is the heart of a meaningful life as a Christian. 

Cornerstone Church supports our lives as Christians by supporting the means to grow in our love. Through worship, we give our thanks and praise to God. In study, we listen to the scriptures, which contain the guidance we need for living well. In prayer, we share our lives and needs, our desires, our celebrations and our sorrows with God. We show our gratitude through the gifts we give and the service we engage in with our sisters and brothers. Always witnessing the peace, joy, and hope we find in Jesus. 

Life, for us as those who follow Jesus, is all about sharing Jesus, and being the church of Christ in this world. Sure, we could do all this on our own apart from other believers, more often than not we do…

But as a Christian mystic once observed, the first thing God declared not good in the book of Genesis was being alone. Friends, family, and community are important to our wellbeing. Church is important for our wellbeing.

This month in our worship series we will continue to discuss how “Words Matter”: those we take in and those we put out into the world. How we use our words can hurt or heal, pull life apart or draw folk together, they can build us up or pull us down. Our words are a strong foundation for spiritual strength and peace. 

I am looking forward to seeing you, your friends, and your family, in worship, study, and prayer.

Pastor Melissa


Cornerstone Kids Club


Souper Bowl Sunday