May 2022 Pastor’s Letter

From the Desk of Pastor Melissa

Dear Friends,

Let’s talk about Cornerstone and The United Methodist Church …

You may have heard that there is a split in the UMC; well, there is some truth and some hyperbole in that statement. 

I have come to understand that Cornerstone was created to be intentional about this mission statement, “Loving God, loving each other, and proclaiming Christ”. We are a United Methodist Church. The mission statement of the United Methodist Church is to, “Make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” Both statements honor the teaching of Jesus when he shared The Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22:35-40) and The Great Commission (Matthew 28: 16-20). 

Denominations, leaders, volunteers and the churches they inhabit are imperfect places filled with imperfect people who profess their need for the love of the Triune God to live fully and fulfill the call to love well and share the good news of Jesus Christ.  

We are God’s children, although as sisters and brothers and sometimes family, we may have disagreements. In the United Methodist Church, disagreements around the interpretation of scripture and the practice of ministry with and for one another have occurred. The most challenging have been centered around the deeply personal topic of human sexuality and how that relates to our faith and faith practice. Differing views on same sex marriage have driven the discussion and the divide.

To address human sexuality, The UMC called a special session in 2019. In that session, a proposal was approved to go before the 2020 General Conference, which is the body which has the ability to approve changes in our denomination. The “Protocol of Reconciliation and Grace Through Separation” would allow churches to leave the UMC with their property and 25 million dollars to start a separate denomination. 

The Covid 19 pandemic prevented the meeting of the General Conference. There has not been a vote regarding the Protocol of Reconciliation and Grace Through Separation because The General Conference will meet in 2024. Many people of all understandings have been hurt in this process.   

As a result, some clergy, laity, churches and even whole conferences have decided to form The Global Methodist Church starting May 1, 2022. The Judicial Council will need to rule on whole conferences disaffiliating, but the process for the disaffiliation of a local church is 2/3 approval by membership in attendance for the vote and two years payment of apportionments and prorated pension liability. Leaving the UMC would then have to be approved by a vote at the Northern Illinois Annual Conference. There may also be the need to resolve debt as a condition of disaffiliation. There is no need to vote when staying in the United Methodist Church. 

Many United Methodists in the US and around the world have decided to stay within the UMC.

I am a United Methodist Christian because I believe in God the Creator, Christ the Redeemer and in the Sustaining power of the Holy Spirit. I put my whole trust in God’s Grace. Wesleyan Theological practice expresses my heart as I follow Jesus. I love the aspiration of social justice and the striving to serve and love God and neighbor. I appreciate the diversity of both people and thought in the UMC and the unity we have in Christ. I am thankful that the UMC is a church where I can think and ponder and question freely. 

I am sad to see folk leave. I would be heartbroken if those who leave lose their faith in God. I will wish nothing but good will come to my brothers and sisters in Christ as they unite with a new denomination. I wish nothing but good to those who remain in the UMC.

Will you join me in prayer that we as Christians will focus on loving God, loving each other and proclaiming Christ as we make disciples for the transformation of the world?

I will be praying for everyone, I hope you will be praying too. I also hope you will be thinking about why you are a United Methodist and what has deep meaning to your life and faith.

On May 22 after worship, I will host an informational meeting in the youth room on this topic with a time for questions.

We’ll talk again soon,

Pastor Melissa


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