August Celebrations
Shane and Beth Firsching—8/7/2010
Sparky and Lisa Scott—8/8/1987
Tim and Carla Andrew—8/12/1989
Ron and Kay Duy—8/12/1967
Tom and Dana Redburg—8/23/1986
Charles and Diana Horton—8/26/1995
1 Mike Tregler
3 Amelia Bollinger
5 Jon Peschke
7 Dolly Woodruff
12 Matthew Cox
12 Karen Goff
17 Rosa Mitofsky
18 Mary Pfortmiller
18 Tanner Scott
19 Brook Leatherwood
21 Renita Overstreet
21 Dana Redburg
27 Vine Culpepper
28 Sally Sjurseth
28 Chris Stevens
30 Dave Gathman
31 Jayson Hemphill
31 Caden Scott
31 Thomas Woodruff