The Movie Group Returns!

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This Saturday, August 28, 2021 at 6:15PM

by Dave Gathman

After a year out of action because of COVID, the Cornerstone Movie Group will be going to see the movie “Respect” on Saturday, August 28 at 6:15 at Charlestowne Cinemas in St. Charles. Tickets should be purchased ahead of time. We will go out to eat and discuss the movie afterwards.

Jennifer Hudson stars in the role of rhythm and blues singer Aretha Franklin. The movie looks at Aretha's life from about age 8 through her death. Her life was not easy and the movie shows her problems with men, alcohol, family, as a trailblazer, and how she finally returns to her Christian roots.

This movie also talks a lot about her singing in churches and her faith.

We will have much to discuss across the table at a nearby restaurant to be determined.

If you have any questions please contact Dave and Patty Gathman at 847 727-5230 or by e-mail at

We hope to see many of you at Charlestowne Cinemas on Saturday the 28th at 6:15!


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