Bible Study Beth Firsching Bible Study Beth Firsching

Wednesday in the Word

Wednesday in the Word group meets for study and fellowship each Wednesday at 6:30 pm. Pastor Melissa is leading a study on “The Chosen” based on the popular TV series about the life of Christ.

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Bible Study Beth Firsching Bible Study Beth Firsching

Wednesday in the Word

Wednesday in the Word group meets for study and fellowship each Wednesday at 6:30 pm. Pastor Melissa is leading a study on “The Chosen” based on the popular TV series about the life of Christ.

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Bible Study Beth Firsching Bible Study Beth Firsching

Wednesday in the Word

Is there any scientific evidence for life after death? What exactly does the Bible say about Heaven - and Hell? Are all near-death experiences pleasant? Come explore these questions as Cornerstone's Wednesday in the Word group discusses the book "The Case for Heaven." The group will meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Wednesdays in the Discipleship Room, beginning in April.

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Bible Study Beth Firsching Bible Study Beth Firsching

Wednesday in the Word

Are you weary? Worn out by the bills that keep stacking up, a virus that keeps raging, or a heart that keeps aching? If so, the book of Esther brings welcome news: Relief will come! Max Lucado’s You Were Made for This Moment is meant to help us with these important questions. This new study starts in February. The Wednesday in the Word group meets each Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.

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Bible Study Beth Firsching Bible Study Beth Firsching

Wednesday in the Word

Our next study begins Wednesday, June 9th, and our friend Jon Hutchison has graciously agreed to lead us (and anyone else who wants to join) in a discussion series based on his new book, Reasons to Suffer. The book uses Jon's personal comments and experiences plus the New Testament books of First and Second Peter to look at suffering experienced by Jesus' followers. The series will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 9.

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