April 2021 Pastor’s Letter

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From the Desk of Pastor Melissa

Dear Friends,

In these first few days after our celebration of Easter, we are hopefully moving toward a post-pandemic life and thinking about what our new normal will look like as disciples of Jesus.

In the coming weeks, our worship will be full of praise and adoration and we will look at how disciples of Jesus work together, use their imagination to follow Christ, and the wonder of having a shepherd to lead us into a new day. All this is to foster our growth as disciples of Jesus Christ. 

Disciples follow the example and teaching of Jesus. They follow for more than just a Sunday hour of praise. Indeed, their every thought, action and choice flowed out of their perfect love for God and neighbor, and emulated our savior Jesus. This way of experiencing God and following Jesus is what the founder of Methodism, John Wesley, was talking about when he spoke of Christian perfection. We love God and one another through personal acts of piety and in acts of mercy. Acts of piety include prayer, study of scripture, participating in Holy Communion and Christian community and in healthy living.

Disciples see to the physical, material and spiritual needs of our neighbor these are means of grace which help us grow closer to God in faith and neighbor in love.

I am encouraging you to engage your discipleship by getting involved with your Christian community of Cornerstone Church and grow in your discipleship by attending worship in person or online. Become a part of our prayer team, in person or online. Attend a study or a retreat, all of which are available online. A calendar of opportunities to be involved in Cornerstone community is being created full of summer fun!

You can get involved in meeting the needs of your neighbor through Cornerstone’s monthly mission meal which takes place on the 4th Friday of each month by helping to purchase, prepare, serve or clean up at the Soup Kettle. A calendar of opportunities is being created so you can find a mission to serve.

On Sunday, April 18th, immediately after worship, I will be hosting a bruncheon to explore a new members class with those interested in being a member of Cornerstone Church. This class is open to anyone who desires to participate and grow in their understanding of living a Christian life. If you’re interested or would like to help with preparing and clean up email Pastor Melissa at seniorpastor@umc-cornerstone.org.

On Thursday April 22 at 7pm I will be leading a zoom discussion based on a series of questions being asked by our current Bishop John L. Hopkins. This month Bishop Hopkins is asking us to consider, “Is the church a movement or an institution?”. To register email office@umc-cornerstone.org. The link for the class is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81395996660?pwd=NS9CWUo0TVZ5SlYvSXpibCtlKytZUT09 Meeting ID: 813 9599 6660 Passcode: 565464

 I am looking forward to seeing you, your friends, and your family in worship and more!

Pastor Melissa


New Members Brunch and Informational Meeting


April Update from the Trustees