October 2021 Pastor’s Letter

From the Desk of Pastor Melissa

Dear Friends,

While walking to Jerusalem, Jesus gave considerable time teaching people how to follow him. How would embracing Jesus’ way change their lives and their perception of the world?

Jesus wanted folk to know how to live in the kingdom of God.

Living in God’s kingdom means we see the Holy in everyone we meet-even the folk who are so often undervalued and marginalized by the mores of this world. God’s kingdom is a place of radical justice, compassion and care. The kingdom of God is different and turns the accepted and acceptable ways of this world upside down in the best and most contrary way. Jesus invites us to be changed and to live as God would have us live.

Our new series, Living in the Contrary Kingdom of God begins October 3rd as we celebrate World Communion Sunday.

October will be a busy month at Cornerstone.

Confirmation classes will begin on October 6th at 6:30 pm with a student/parent meeting and dessert. Meetings will begin to recruit teachers to lead Sunday School for students aged Pre-K to 12th grade. Parents will be invited to commit to supporting their child in attending Sunday School and strengthening their family life with worship.

Cornerstone’s Annual Church Conference will take place on Saturday, October 23 at 4 pm, with our new District Superintendent Reverend Jeffry Bross presiding over the meeting. The Staff Parish Relations Committee will meet one hour prior to that at 3 pm.

I look forward to seeing you, your family and your friends in worship, study, and prayer.

We’ll talk again soon,

Pastor Melissa


Cornerstone Youth Confirmation Class 2021/2022


October Celebrations