New Members Brunch and Informational Meeting
On Sunday, April 18th, immediately after worship, Pastor Melissa will be hosting a bruncheon to explore a new members class with those interested in being a member of Cornerstone Church.
April 2021 Pastor’s Letter
In these first few days after our celebration of Easter, we are hopefully moving toward a post-pandemic life and thinking about what our new normal will look like as disciples of Jesus.
March 2021 Letter
In the past few days the denominational leaders have made some important decisions for the United Methodist Church. The first, is a further delay in holding General Conference. General Conference was originally slated to be held in May of 2020 but was rescheduled to August 2021 due to the COVID 19 pandemic…
February 2021 Letter
While fully occupying our church building as we would like is not yet a possibility, your church staff and the members of Cornerstone’s return team have been preparing for in-person worship inside the church building once again.
January 2021 Letter
Our Christmas celebration has come and we rejoice because Christ is Lord! The calendar page has turned it is 2021! 2020 is in the past and yet, the turmoil is still with us, pandemic mitigations are in effect, the fear and grief, illness and loss remains. What shall we do, how will we live into and live out of the truth that Christ is Lord?