October 2022 Pastor’s Letter
Dear Friends, the past few days have been difficult for many reasons. Storms literal as well as spiritual, physical, and emotional have been raging in so many lives. People are without power, food, water, and shelter. People are unable to travel to escape these conditions. As always, the suffering of the poor is made greater by lack of options and resources.
September 2022 Pastor’s Letter
“What does it mean to be a community of faith?” People of faith worship, they pray, they stay in relationship with the people of their church, they serve neighbors, they witness to the love of God for everyone, they see God in each face they encounter and they give of their resources.
August 2022 Pastor’s Letter
On Tuesday, August 2nd from 6-9 pm., we invite you, your family and your friends to have a wonderful time at Cornerstone’s National Night Out Block Party. August really is a wonderful time to reconnect to your church community-see you soon!
July 2022 Pastor’s Letter
Welcome to July! The summer months full of family, friends, and sunshine are well underway both in our personal lives and in our church life.
June 2022 Pastor’s Letter
Recently, I was reminded that I should always be asking, “Does this further God’s kingdom? Will my actions, my words, my decisions hurt or help the cause of Christ?”
May 2022 Pastor’s Letter
Let’s talk about Cornerstone and The United Methodist Church…I will be praying for everyone, I hope you will be praying too. I also hope you will be thinking about why you are a United Methodist and what has deep meaning to your life and faith. On May 22 after worship, I will host an informational meeting in the youth room on this topic with a time for questions.
April 2022 Pastor’s Letter
The soil has been prepared, the seeds have been sown, I look forward to growing in our love for God and neighbor with you, your family and your friends! Ah, Spring!
March 2022 Pastor’s Letter
The season of Lent is a time of turning our focus upon Jesus. We pause as individuals and as a community of faith to wonder at the love and grace freely given to us by a loving God.
February 2022 Pastor’s Letter
What gives our lives meaning? If someone were to ask you that question, how would you respond?
We are created in the image of God; filled with the breath of God. Because of the love of God and the life of Jesus, we have a home and an abundant life to live, both here and for all eternity. Because of the Holy Spirit, we have a community of faith in which to grow closer to God and one another.
January 2022 Pastor’s Letter
Happy New Year! A new year brings new beginnings and the time we may need to reflect and prepare for the days given to us.
December 2021 Pastor’s Letter
There are many legends around the Christmas story-even one about a spider. According to one legend, when Joseph was warned in a dream to flee from King Herod and the massacre that Herod would inflict upon the children of Bethlehem, several animals from the manger decided to accompany the Holy Family on their journey...
November 2021 Pastor’s Letter
For many years, Cornerstone has been guided by these simple words, Loving God, Loving Others, Proclaiming Christ. It’s on our letterhead, carved into the side of the building and often declared in worship.
This month we are going to explore what it means to be loved and to love God and each other in the name of Jesus.
September 2021 Pastor’s Letter
The summer months are coming to a close, and we are being called back into community at work, at school, and at church.
In the midst of a pandemic, what does it mean to be community?
August 2021 Pastor’s Letter
The church at Colossae was divided in loyalty and in vision. It was confused by local cultural practice and often driven by a purely humanistic philosophy. In the day-to-day of life and faith, often they were driven by a sentimental practice of love instead of a principled love; love which rises above all obstacles and circumstances, and which results in feelings of irrepressible joy.
July 2021 Pastor’s Letter
From the Desk of Pastor Melissa: Recently, I sat in a doctor’s office trying to explain my work and the state of the Christian church today. The doctor was a local leader from another faith tradition. He looked at me, perplexed, and was full of questions-and I understood completely. To quote Tish Harrison Warren, “The church is a mess, but I am still hopeful.”
Is Our Mission Focus Geographical or Generational?
Zoom Discussion on Thursday, June 24th at 7 pm. Pastor Melissa will be leading a zoom discussion based on a series of questions being asked by our current Bishop John L. Hopkins. This month Bishop Hopkins is asking us to consider, “Is Our Mission Focus Geographical or Generational?”
June 2021 Pastor’s Letter
From the desk of Pastor Melissa: I had the pleasure of spending time discussing the Holy Spirit with some of Cornerstone’s youth this week - it was a joy. So often we reduce the Holy Spirit to one Sunday, one story: Pentecost. But the Holy Spirit is so much more.
May 2021 Pastor’s Letter
When Jesus appeared before his friends after the resurrection he said to them, “Peace be with you!”. He greeted them a few days later with those same words of peace. Over and over again those who followed Jesus needed these words of greeting and reassurance because they were afraid and unsure and they didn’t understand what was happening in their hearts or in their world.
Is the Church a Movement or an Institution?
Zoom Discussion on Thursday, April 22nd at 7 pm. Pastor Melissa will be leading a zoom discussion based on a series of questions being asked by our current Bishop John L. Hopkins. This month Bishop Hopkins is asking us to consider, “Is the church a movement or an institution?”.